Mixing Textures

Merry Christmas Eve! I love the holidays!! Everything from Christmas music to Christmas cookies, I LOVE! I especially love Christmas decorations and everywhere I walk by I think is a photo op, haha. I’m addicted to 25 days of Christmas on Freeform and have been spending too much time watching cheesy Christmas movies, but I just can’t help it LOL.

Obvi, I am a big fan of all the fashion over the holidays! So many amazing textures like fur, cashmere, leather, suede, felt, sequins….the list goes on! I love to mix up textures, especially with a monochromatic look. Just in one look I’m wearing felt, fur, leather and suede. Don’t be afraid to mix and match! Most times wearing all of the same fabric is just too much; you need to mix it up to give your look some dimension.

I’m wearing a faux leather legging from ASOS that is out of stock, go figure, but I highly suggest these SPANX faux leather leggings. Like butter!

Check out my last post Leopard Print Love for my favorite faux fur bombers.

Hats have been really popular this year and I’m so excited I forced myself to start wearing them! I think I look so silly in hats but they are so fun and I wanted so badly to rock them! This fiddler cap is absolutely my new favorite. I got it from Sanem’s Boutique - she still has a few left! If not, here are a few other ones I like.

Happy Holidays!


Ciao ♥ The Sicilian Swede